Migrating your Posterous site to Edublogs

We’ve been hearing from you that lots of educators need to move their blogs since Posterous announced they are shutting down their service on April 30. 2013 And, we’re happy to share, we’ve been working hard organizing a Posterous importer as quite a few of our Edublogs users have Posterous accounts. When you migrate your Posterous account into Edublogs it…

Major News! Edublogs blogs are all now 100% advertisement free!

This is the first of what will be several big announcements from us over the coming months! As of today, there are no more advertisements of any kind on Edublogs! Including FREE blogs! But we need YOUR HELP to keep it that way. We are close to our ONE MILLIONTH blog on Edublogs.org, and if…

Edublogs Weekly: Get blogging advice LIVE from the experts!

This week, we think you will be excited about a couple of LIVE webinars that feature a few Edublogs blogging rockstars. Tech Talk Tuesdays – (Or Monday for those in the Americas!) Teaching Commenting and Encouraging Parent Participation 4pm Tuesday the 22nd in Melbourne, Australia or 9pm Monday the 21st in Los Angeles, California. (See the…

Edublogs Weekly Review: Move over Google Reader, Facebook is my news reader of choice

Right up there with running more and eating healthier, keeping up with the blogs I like to follow has been my easy way out of New Year’s resolutions the past few years. How many of you out there have also spent a good amount of time setting up your Google Reader only to let the…

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