Top 10 ways to use Edublogs

This week, we unveiled our top 10 ways to use Edublogs.

To be honest, narrowing it down to only ten was no easy task.  Hopefully, the list might spark a new idea on how you can use your Edublog.

You can click the link above to read the complete list or watch the video below.

What do you think?

Did we get it just right or is there something you would have liked to see make the list?

You can submit a comment below and even better, leave a link to your blog if you have an example to share!

Edublogs are now more student friendly than ever!

If you have logged into your blog lately, you might have seen a screen that looks like this when you first signed in:


This is a new feature that is designed for younger and beginning bloggers to simplify the blog dashboard area by rearranging and hiding some of the less used features.

If you don’t see this screen or would like to switch back and forth between the two Admin Areas, look for buttons like these on the top right of your blog’s dashboard:

The new ‘Easy Admin Area’ simplifies all of the most common functions of setting up and editing a blog, including creating posts and pages, and changing themes and appearances.

This is the ideal setting for student bloggers and those just starting out, and user management and plugin settings are still just a click away in the familiar Advanced Admin Area.

Even more helpful features:

Help Example
Example of New Help Tip

In addition to the Easy Admin Area, you will also find new “tips” and help information right inside of both Admin Areas.

Try clicking on one of the many blue question marks to get a quick tip or checking out the boxes scattered throughout the dashboard with extra information and reminders.

We’re working to improve existing tips and add new ones all of the time, so we would love your input should you see something we should add.

Now, more than ever, Edublogs truly is the most student friendly blogging solution available.

With these new features, you should feel confident that new users of all levels can navigate around blogging dashboards with ease.

New Plugin: Bring outside RSS feeds into your blog!

rss_iconWe’ve been on a roll the past month releasing many new plugins available to our Pro and Campus users. If you haven’t clicked on the ‘Plugins’ link in your blog’s dashboard lately, you might want to take a quick look.

The newest addition will allow you to bring in RSS feeds from any blog or websites right into your blog!

You can put feeds in a sidebar as a widget, or into any page or post using these directions here.

Great for bringing in posts from student blogs!

There are many uses of this powerful plugin, but one we think you might like the most is the ability to bring in posts from all of your students’ blogs into one class blog.

Option 1: Create a Single Feed

Use a service such as Yahoo! Pipes to consolidate all of your students’ feeds into one.  Then, use this plugin to import the new single feed into a page, post, or widget on your blog.

Option 2: Display Individual Feeds

Another option is to create a new page which imports all of your students’ feeds, using this plugin to display the latest feeds from each blog individually.

In either case, you can choose to show any combination of the post title, date, time, description, or the opening few lines of the post – very cool!

Let us know if you give this plugin a try and reply below with any other ideas on how it might be used!

What exactly is Edublogs Campus?

If you have a blog on, you probably have seen information about Edublogs Campus. We get many questions each day asking us to give a bit more information on Campus, and I’d like to take this opportunity to point out a few of the main reasons why you should consider it for your school.
Edublogs Campus is designed to be a complete blogging solution for a school, university, or school district.  We take care of all of the hosting, upkeep, and support so that educators can focus on the impact that blogging can have on learning and student achievement.

Every Edublogs Campus package comes with unlimited uploads and bandwidth, powerful and student friendly functionality, and 100+ professional designs – all at your own domain.

Bringing Edublogs to an entire school or organization has proven to show an increase in overall communication, collaboration, and student engagement. We provide all that you need for a smooth implementation so that teachers and students can begin blogging in as little as a few days.

Here are the top five reasons why you should consider Edublogs Campus today!

5. User Management

Though we do have a blog and user creator available to Pro users, you might find that with 30 or more blogs, it isn’t always easy to manage, monitor, and set up student blogs this way.  Campus solves all of these problems by giving complete blog and user control to site administrators who are able to set up and maintain as many teacher and student blogs as you can imagine.

In addition, we can integrate Campus login information with existing LDAP and other authentication systems.  One less password to remember is definitely an important feature these days!

4. Customization

Campus sites allow for personalization and customization of the look and feel of sites.  For starters, Campus sites have a unique domain such as or  We help you upload your school’s logo and colors to the site, and with many Campus packages, we can have a new customized theme developed as well!

3. Privacy

We have schools using Campus in a wide variety of ways, and you can be assured that whatever privacy restrictions you would like to implement, we can make happen.  This includes password protection, content filtering, and a wide variety of settings for user privileges.

2. Expertise

Edublogs is run by the same team that is behind many of the largest blogging sites on the web. We guarantee the highest levels of server reliability and security. Should it be needed, we even make complete back-ups twice weekly, just in case.

1. Help & Support

We are famous for our help and support, and we will be there to answer any questions and provide guidance whenever you may need.  As a team of experienced educators, we pride ourselves in providing a student friendly service.

We would love to show you around Campus or answer any questions you may have.  Please use our contact form to let us know if you might be interested in learning more about Campus.

Take your tag cloud to the third dimension!

Tags are an excellent way to organize blog posts and helps blog visitors browse posts based on a specific topic.

Tag clouds are a useful way of showing which tags are more popular than others on a blog.  The larger the size of the word in the tag cloud the more posts that have been tagged using that term.

We’ve just installed a new plugin for Edublogs Pro and Campus users which brings your tag cloud into the new decade.

Plus, I think that you will find that it is a lot of fun to play with!

Here is the 3D tag cloud in action for our Edublogs News blog:


Activating the plugin is as simple as:

  1. Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins
  2. Click activate underneath 3D Flash Rotating Tag Cloud (WP Cumulus)

After activating this plugin, you will have access to a new ‘WP Cumulus’ menu under the ‘Settings’ tab of your dashboard.  From here you can control the speed, color, and several other functions of the tag cloud.

You can even choose to use categories alongside or instead of tags.

The plugin allows you to put your 3D cloud on any page or post or in a new widget on your sidebars.

For one more example, check out the 3D tag cloud in the right sidebar of!

Adding a 3D Tag cloud

Provide some details for your blog
No stress, you can always change this later on.
Use only lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.

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