Edublogs Weekly Review: iPads are changing the way we teach, learn, and get stuff done

If the twitter stream and blog posts over the past week or so are an accurate representation, it seems that iPads and other tablet devices have really started to solidify their roles in and out of the classroom. In fact, I should disclose, this post comes at the conclusion of my first week with an…

Major news! Our new community site and blog directory is now live

We’re excited, and we think you will be too! If you click on the Community tab at the top of the Edublogs home page, you’re now taken to our new community area. What’s in our new community? Our new communiy area is designed as a place to collaborate, share blogs and resources including: Latest posts for…

Introducing Premium Support And Premium Themes

Christmas has come nice and early for Edublogs supporters, with two fabulous new features in your Supporter Tab. Premium Support Do you have a question about Edublogs, need personal help or would rather not use the forums? Supporters can email us support requests using the form located in their Premium Support Tab, and we’ll get…


If you care to wander past your ‘Presentation’ tab you’ll find four rather marvellous new themes, even if we do say so ourselves. Terra Firma is an exquisite balance of boxes and beauty, Citrus Island will take you to the heights of web2.0 minimalist orange fashion, Reaching Darkness is one of the most well-put-together darker…

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