Edublogs Weekly Review: The power of twitter, #edchat, and student blogging

I’ll be the first to admit that several years ago when I heard about twitter I was more than skeptical. I would occasionally check it out and just not really get it. Today, while I don’t tweet as often as I’d like, I can’t imagine a day without checking the stream to see what my…

Edublogs Weekly Review: Top 10 reasons why it is truly the most wonderful time of the year!

The last weekend of November is here which can only mean that the holiday season has officially arrived! At Edublogs, we love this time of year, and here is our top 10 list as to why: The hardworking educators and students that use Edublogs get some well deserved time off from school Great widgets from…

Edublogs Weekly Review: Attack of the web browsers and RockMelt wins!

It all started on a typical Monday morning when my web browser of choice, Chrome, just stopped working for me. A quick google search lead nowhere – only that others experienced similar problems over the past year, but no help or advice. I deleted, reinstalled, upgraded, downgraded, and nothing – Chrome was not happy. So…

Edublogs Weekly Review: Why you should participate in the Edublog Awards

You may have seen posts, tweets, or messages about the 2010 Edublog Awards process which began yesterday with the nomination phase. Going into our seventh year, these awards are a way to recognize all of the different bloggers, teachers, and others that are contributing to the improvement of education at a global level. It is…

Edublogs Weekly Review: Taking blogging to infinity and beyond

This week we came across Mrs. T’s Fantastic Fifth Grade Bobcats class blog and this fun video post of a recent field trip to NASA. In fact, we liked the blog so much that it is our blog of the week! In addition, it really got us thinking about how blogging can be used to…

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