Edublogs Weekly Review: Top 5 sites to find images for student use

This week, Kathleen McGeady wrote an excellent post on student blogging and internet images. Her experience with grade 2 students and teaching appropriate copyright use is truly inspirational. This one sentence is an excellent reminder to educators and students about the importance of using images from sources that approve the use. Many students’ first instinct…

Edublogs Weekly Review: Student-centered learning and collaboration using technology

One of the most powerful and revolutionary aspects of many technologies being used in classrooms today revolve around the fact that they facilitate student-centered learning and collaboration. Perhaps summarized best in this week’s post from the Education Vision Leadership blog, the move to student initiated learning, while natural, is not an easy progression. Traditional methodologies, school systems,…

Edublogs Weekly Review: Social networking in schools, Facebook in trouble and email a thing of the past

Welcome to the first of what we hope is a useful post with a weekly overview of news in the edublogging world. This week, one of the most discussed topics around the web has to do with the use of social media by educators and students in schools. Many schools seem to be moving to…

(This is a "Page")Privacy Policy

Your privacy, especially that of the students and schools that we serve, is critically important to us. You can find our full detailed Privacy Policy below. In addition, we have summarized the most important and relevant points of our privacy policies and practices here at Edublogs. For any questions about the privacy and security of…

(This is a "Page")Terms of Service

Please find our Privacy Policy here. is a site specifically for teachers, students, librarians, researchers, professors, administrators, corporate trainers and anyone else involved in education. The following terms and conditions govern all use of the website and blogging platform. Edublogs is owned and operated by Incsub, LLC. Edublogs is offered subject to your…

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