We’re Hiring: Be Our Next Account Manager!

NOTE: We are no longer accepting applications for this position. Please do keep checking incsub.com/careers for future opportunities. We’re looking high and low for the perfect new Account Manager to help support and look after our Edublogs Campus schools, districts, and universities. You’d also pitch in with sales, general Edublogs support, and many other fun projects…

Improving parent communication in 3 short steps

Earlier today, this blog post was published on Edutopia.org that shares results of a recent survey by the National School Public Relations Association in the US. The survey asked parents and non-parents (over 43,000 of them!) how they want to be kept informed about what’s going on at school. The results were surprising in that social…

We should talk – what are you doing to ensure student safety online?

It is one of the most important conversations we can have. When student privacy and safety is at stake, we all have an obligation to do our part. Keeping in mind that laws and policies vary depending on where you are and what age you work with, there are some common sense tips we should…

Edublogs Weekly Review: Social networking in schools, Facebook in trouble and email a thing of the past

Welcome to the first of what we hope is a useful post with a weekly overview of news in the edublogging world. This week, one of the most discussed topics around the web has to do with the use of social media by educators and students in schools. Many schools seem to be moving to…

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