Announcing NEW Unlimited Student Blogs, Better Class Management, and More!

  We are thrilled to announce some big changes and improvements to Edublogs! Our focus this summer is to raise the bar in what we offer so that we continue to be the best blogging, ePortolio, and class website service for teachers and students around the world. To help us reach this goal, we start…

Improving parent communication in 3 short steps

Earlier today, this blog post was published on that shares results of a recent survey by the National School Public Relations Association in the US. The survey asked parents and non-parents (over 43,000 of them!) how they want to be kept informed about what’s going on at school. The results were surprising in that social…

Edublogs News: Featured blogs and a hero’s interview

For the past few months, we have announced on facebook and twitter our featured blog-o-the-week each Thursday. We hope that others are able to gain ideas from these blogs while we are able to recognize teachers and students for all of their excellent work. This week, the featured blog is Heroes 2011 from Brebeuf Jesuit…

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