Check Out The Cool New Features Under The Bonnet Of Edublogs

We’ve got some big plans for for 2010 — including cool new features. So to kick start the New Year we’ve just installed these new features on Edublogs! Add New Users This is a nice simple feature, but very powerful tool for creating and adding new users to your blog in batches of up…

Introducing Premium Support And Premium Themes

Christmas has come nice and early for Edublogs supporters, with two fabulous new features in your Supporter Tab. Premium Support Do you have a question about Edublogs, need personal help or would rather not use the forums? Supporters can email us support requests using the form located in their Premium Support Tab, and we’ll get…

Widgets, javascript, iframes and objects (and all that jazz)

After lengthy discussions and weighing up of the pros and cons we’ve decided to allow javascript, iframes and object code onto Edublogs. This means that you can now just copy and paste pretty much most ’embedding’ code you can pick up around the web directly into your Edublog. For posts and pages just click on…

Provide some details for your blog
No stress, you can always change this later on.
Use only lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.

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