Edublogs Weekly Review: EdCamps and Teach Meets – A new kind of professional development

Over the past year, a grass roots movement in educator professional development has evolved into a widespread phenomenon. EdCamps, mostly in the US, and Teach Meets, mostly in the UK, are popping up all over as a new type of collaborative conference.  In fact, they are often called an “unconference” as the attendees are the…

Edublogs Weekly Review: Student-centered learning and collaboration using technology

One of the most powerful and revolutionary aspects of many technologies being used in classrooms today revolve around the fact that they facilitate student-centered learning and collaboration. Perhaps summarized best in this week’s post from the Education Vision Leadership blog, the move to student initiated learning, while natural, is not an easy progression. Traditional methodologies, school systems,…

Major news! Our new community site and blog directory is now live

We’re excited, and we think you will be too! If you click on the Community tab at the top of the Edublogs home page, you’re now taken to our new community area. What’s in our new community? Our new communiy area is designed as a place to collaborate, share blogs and resources including: Latest posts for…

(This is a "Page")Terms of Service

Please find our Privacy Policy here. is a site specifically for teachers, students, librarians, researchers, professors, administrators, corporate trainers and anyone else involved in education. The following terms and conditions govern all use of the website and blogging platform. Edublogs is owned and operated by Incsub, LLC. Edublogs is offered subject to your…

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