Edublogs Weekly Review: Top 10 reasons why it is truly the most wonderful time of the year!

The last weekend of November is here which can only mean that the holiday season has officially arrived! At Edublogs, we love this time of year, and here is our top 10 list as to why: The hardworking educators and students that use Edublogs get some well deserved time off from school Great widgets from…

Edublogs Weekly Review: Top 5 sites to find images for student use

This week, Kathleen McGeady wrote an excellent post on student blogging and internet images. Her experience with grade 2 students and teaching appropriate copyright use is truly inspirational. This one sentence is an excellent reminder to educators and students about the importance of using images from sources that approve the use. Many students’ first instinct…

Edublogs Weekly Review: Student-centered learning and collaboration using technology

One of the most powerful and revolutionary aspects of many technologies being used in classrooms today revolve around the fact that they facilitate student-centered learning and collaboration. Perhaps summarized best in this week’s post from the Education Vision Leadership blog, the move to student initiated learning, while natural, is not an easy progression. Traditional methodologies, school systems,…

The New P2 Theme: The Ultimate in Collaboration

Many of the new themes now available to Pro and Campus users have unique features that we think you will be excited about. P2, the theme, is no exception! Designed for discussion and collaboration, P2 combines the instant update ability of Facebook walls, the quick posting nature of Twitter, and the tagging and post features…

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