Post By Email, Auto-post to Facebook and Twitter, Better Image Galleries and More!

Woah! Today’s news is kinda big. We’ve made available a new plugin, called Jetpack, which when activated brings a ton of new tools and features to your blog. What Can Jetpack Do? Post by Email You can create a unique and private email address that can be used to publish a new post on your…

We should talk – what are you doing to ensure student safety online?

It is one of the most important conversations we can have. When student privacy and safety is at stake, we all have an obligation to do our part. Keeping in mind that laws and policies vary depending on where you are and what age you work with, there are some common sense tips we should…

Introducing Premium Support And Premium Themes

Christmas has come nice and early for Edublogs supporters, with two fabulous new features in your Supporter Tab. Premium Support Do you have a question about Edublogs, need personal help or would rather not use the forums? Supporters can email us support requests using the form located in their Premium Support Tab, and we’ll get…

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