Post By Email, Auto-post to Facebook and Twitter, Better Image Galleries and More!

Woah! Today’s news is kinda big. We’ve made available a new plugin, called Jetpack, which when activated brings a ton of new tools and features to your blog. What Can Jetpack Do? Post by Email You can create a unique and private email address that can be used to publish a new post on your…

(This is a "Page")Credit Card Payment

It is preferred if all payments take place in the user dashboards. This way, subscriptions are automatically applied to the correct user and blog. If you must use a school purchasing card and can’t provide access to the user’s dashboard, then please use the button below. Chose “don’t have a PayPal account” to pay with…

Announcing NEW Unlimited Student Blogs, Better Class Management, and More!

  We are thrilled to announce some big changes and improvements to Edublogs! Our focus this summer is to raise the bar in what we offer so that we continue to be the best blogging, ePortolio, and class website service for teachers and students around the world. To help us reach this goal, we start…

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Use only lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.

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