Edublogs Celebrates 1 Million Blogs By Giving More Away!

We did it! Well, actually YOU did it! We have officially surpassed the ONE MILLION blog mark here on! Truthfully, we have several hundred thousand additional blogs on our Edublogs Campus sites which put us over the top over  a year ago. But we couldn’t be more excited, as this also means we will…

Unveiling Wikis, Maps, Easy Blogging, a New Look, and More!

If you’ve logged into the dashboard of your blog in the last few days, then you probably have already noticed – but we just rolled out many exciting new features! Plus, we’re just 11,000 10,000 blogs short of the 1 million we need to keep all blogs advertisement free forever! It’s just too much to share all in one…

Major News! Edublogs blogs are all now 100% advertisement free!

This is the first of what will be several big announcements from us over the coming months! As of today, there are no more advertisements of any kind on Edublogs! Including FREE blogs! But we need YOUR HELP to keep it that way. We are close to our ONE MILLIONTH blog on, and if…

Let Edublogs Help You With Professional Development and Training!

While we feel the learning curve for starting a blog using Edublogs is pretty low, we also know that proper training and support is critical to the success of any new program or endeavor. Whether or not your school, district, or university is already using blogs, let us help provide the assistance needed to jump…

Edublogs Weekly: Skype in the classroom launched

The big education news over the weekend was that Skype launched it’s “Skype in the classroom” website which is now ready for use! The new free directory promises to make it easy to connect with educators around the globe that are interested in using skype to connect with guest speakers, set up language exchanges, and…

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