Post By Email, Auto-post to Facebook and Twitter, Better Image Galleries and More!

Woah! Today’s news is kinda big. We’ve made available a new plugin, called Jetpack, which when activated brings a ton of new tools and features to your blog. What Can Jetpack Do? Post by Email You can create a unique and private email address that can be used to publish a new post on your…

New Dashboard Tools for Better Blogging and Student Management

We’ve got a huge amount of new blogging toys coming your way here in 2012! To help lay the ground work for the even better stuff yet to come, you will now notice two snazzy new boxes greeting you when you first login to your blog’s dashboard. There is more! Go to Dashboard > My…

Edublogs Weekly Review: Taking blogging to infinity and beyond

This week we came across Mrs. T’s Fantastic Fifth Grade Bobcats class blog and this fun video post of a recent field trip to NASA. In fact, we liked the blog so much that it is our blog of the week! In addition, it really got us thinking about how blogging can be used to…

Edublogs Weekly Review: iPads are changing the way we teach, learn, and get stuff done

If the twitter stream and blog posts over the past week or so are an accurate representation, it seems that iPads and other tablet devices have really started to solidify their roles in and out of the classroom. In fact, I should disclose, this post comes at the conclusion of my first week with an…

(This is a "Page")Safe, secure, reliable and trusted by over a million users…

Since 2005, Edublogs has been hosting blogs and providing custom blogging platforms to individual teachers, school districts and hundreds of thousands of students. We’ve grown to become the largest, most trusted, best supported and widely used way for teachers and students to engage with the world of blogging. What’s On This Page? A quick overview…

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