Post By Email, Auto-post to Facebook and Twitter, Better Image Galleries and More!

Woah! Today’s news is kinda big. We’ve made available a new plugin, called Jetpack, which when activated brings a ton of new tools and features to your blog. What Can Jetpack Do? Post by Email You can create a unique and private email address that can be used to publish a new post on your…

Check out the new DOGO news, books, and movies widgets!

The good folks at DOGOnews have created a new plugin which is now available on all Edublogs! The plugin makes three snazzy widgets available which you can use to display the latest kid-friendly news and current events, book reviews, and movie reviews right in your sidebar. Many of our users are using content from Dogo as blog…

Guide to finding and securing grants and outside funding for blogs and ed tech

Finding the funds for Edublogs Pro, Edublogs Campus, or any other education technology product out there isn’t always easy. This is especially the case as schools and educators are facing difficult decisions in times were budgets are tight. We have a growing number of users that have found success with grants, donations, and asking organizations…

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