Edublogs Weekly: Get blogging advice LIVE from the experts!

This week, we think you will be excited about a couple of LIVE webinars that feature a few Edublogs blogging rockstars. Tech Talk Tuesdays – (Or Monday for those in the Americas!) Teaching Commenting and Encouraging Parent Participation 4pm Tuesday the 22nd in Melbourne, Australia or 9pm Monday the 21st in Los Angeles, California. (See the…

Edublogs Weekly: Get inside tips on blogging with students

In case you missed it, we started the FREE professional development series on blogging with students this week! Especially geared for those that want to have their students participate in the upcoming Student Blogging Challenge that is starting in March, gear up and get ready to learn: The educational and curricular benefits of student blogging Choosing…

Edublogs Weekly: Reading Levels in Google Search Results

Regular readers may notice a small change in the format and schedule of our weekly posts. A few tweaks will hopefully make for a much more useful post for everyone! Featured Post of the Week! This week, our featured post is View Google Search Results By Reading Level by Paul Hamilton. Especially when working with…

Guide to finding and securing grants and outside funding for blogs and ed tech

Finding the funds for Edublogs Pro, Edublogs Campus, or any other education technology product out there isn’t always easy. This is especially the case as schools and educators are facing difficult decisions in times were budgets are tight. We have a growing number of users that have found success with grants, donations, and asking organizations…

We should talk – what are you doing to ensure student safety online?

It is one of the most important conversations we can have. When student privacy and safety is at stake, we all have an obligation to do our part. Keeping in mind that laws and policies vary depending on where you are and what age you work with, there are some common sense tips we should…

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No stress, you can always change this later on.
Use only lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.

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