(This is a "Page")Safe, secure, reliable and trusted by over a million users…

Since 2005, Edublogs has been hosting blogs and providing custom blogging platforms to individual teachers, school districts and hundreds of thousands of students. We’ve grown to become the largest, most trusted, best supported and widely used way for teachers and students to engage with the world of blogging. What’s On This Page? A quick overview…

Turn that hobby into a job – come and work with us in help and support!

We’re hoping the new school year is going well for all Edublogs users and we’re looking forward to providing you with some great blogging tools for the next year! And we’d also like to say a huge thank you to all of you who have become Edublogs Supporters or looked at Edublogs Campus for your…


If you’re in an observant mood you may have noticed the new Stats tab in your admin menu (just after Comments). And, if you’re an Edublogs Supporter, then you might even have noticed that it’s collecting information about the number of visitors to your blog, where they are coming from, the most popular content and…

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