We’re improving Edublogs!

We’ve got some big plans for Edublogs.org for 2010 to make your experience better and improve our service and functionality. So we’ve put together this really, really quick survey to help us find out how we can best help you. And, to sweeten the deal, we’re giving away several Amazon Kindles to survey participants! So…

Turn that hobby into a job – come and work with us in help and support!

We’re hoping the new school year is going well for all Edublogs users and we’re looking forward to providing you with some great blogging tools for the next year! And we’d also like to say a huge thank you to all of you who have become Edublogs Supporters or looked at Edublogs Campus for your…

Come together (and chat on our new forums!)

Here’s some pretty big news… Edublogs.org is now open only for teachers but also for students of all descriptions. Previously we’ve hosted three other sites – uniblogs.org, learnerblogs.org and eslblogs.org for students but we decided a few weeks ago that this is both overly complex and limits what teachers can do with their students through…

Provide some details for your blog
No stress, you can always change this later on.
Use only lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.

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