Blogs & WebsitesFor Education By educators, for educators. We are the oldest and most trusted web publishing platform for teachers and students. Over 5 million blogs and counting since 2005 Why Edublogs? Share, collaborate, build, and learn. Teacher Friendly Use our easy invite codes and class management tools to get started. And most importantly, it’s…
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Edublogs Weekly Review: Move over Google Reader, Facebook is my news reader of choice
Right up there with running more and eating healthier, keeping up with the blogs I like to follow has been my easy way out of New Year’s resolutions the past few years. How many of you out there have also spent a good amount of time setting up your Google Reader only to let the…
Edublogs Weekly Review: The power of twitter, #edchat, and student blogging
I’ll be the first to admit that several years ago when I heard about twitter I was more than skeptical. I would occasionally check it out and just not really get it. Today, while I don’t tweet as often as I’d like, I can’t imagine a day without checking the stream to see what my…
We should talk – what are you doing to ensure student safety online?
It is one of the most important conversations we can have. When student privacy and safety is at stake, we all have an obligation to do our part. Keeping in mind that laws and policies vary depending on where you are and what age you work with, there are some common sense tips we should…