As of today, we are making many of our previously ‘Pro’ only features 100% free for all! This change will, without a doubt, make Edublogs the best free web publishing tool for students and teachers on the web. We went through and have made many of our more popular features free, including: Student management –…
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Major news! Our new community site and blog directory is now live
We’re excited, and we think you will be too! If you click on the Community tab at the top of the Edublogs home page, you’re now taken to our new community area. What’s in our new community? Our new communiy area is designed as a place to collaborate, share blogs and resources including: Latest posts for…
Edublogs are now more student friendly than ever!
If you have logged into your blog lately, you might have seen a screen that looks like this when you first signed in: This is a new feature that is designed for younger and beginning bloggers to simplify the blog dashboard area by rearranging and hiding some of the less used features. If you don’t see…
(This is a "Page")Welcome Weebly
Welcome Weebly Users Welcome! On August 1, 2022, the Weebly for Education platform will be discontinued. Edublogs is partnering with Weebly to provide an alternative platform where you can host teacher, classroom, and student websites. Edublogs is free to use and comes with access to many useful tools like our My Class tool, which gives…
New Plugin! Add Buttons, Tabs, Feeds, And Sidebars Anywhere!
The new ‘Live Shortcodes‘ plugin makes it easy to add buttons, tabs, sidebars, accordions, and much more to your posts and pages….
New Features! Private Comments and Group Lists
We’re happy to roll out two new tools that we think are huge for student and course blogging….