Exciting things to come in January

So, you may notice a new favicon as of today (the little 16×16 pixel thing next to the http…) Am not sure how well the average browser refreshes these, but it’s a cute little e – and heralds great things to come in January.

There’s going to be a redesign (tres funky) that’ll link together all of the edublogs sites, more themes, features and plugins to enjoy at your leisure and a great big whopping surprise that I hope a lot of you will like. Not telling any more though… just yet ;)

Have a merry Christmas, joyful new year and a good rest… if you can manage to stay off the blogs :) – James

Pool & Poll

Couple of new themes put in this evening on request – Hemmingway (for you serious types) and Pool with widgets.

I’ve also installed for a trial the ‘Democracy’ polling tool – under the Plugins menu.  Go make some polls :)

New themes & widgets a go go

For your presentation delectation we’ve just uploaded a heap of new themes.

They’re all ‘widget friendly’ (check out the ‘Widget tab under the presentation bar) and  many allow customisation of site headers (in theme options).
Have a play and let me know if there are any bugs or issues.

Upload upgrade this weekend (11-12 Nov)

I’m having really relaxing weekends these days :)

This weekend we’re upgrading the uploading function, unfortunately this won’t give you any more functionality but it will allow for the site to continue growing without all your uploads breaking.

So there’s a good chance that files that you’ve previously uploaded will disappear for a time… but thay’ll be back… promise!

Also laying off the uploads for the weekend is probably a good idea – although they should still work.

Provide some details for your blog
No stress, you can always change this later on.
Use only lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.

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