Guide to finding and securing grants and outside funding for blogs and ed tech

Finding the funds for Edublogs Pro, Edublogs Campus, or any other education technology product out there isn’t always easy. This is especially the case as schools and educators are facing difficult decisions in times were budgets are tight. We have a growing number of users that have found success with grants, donations, and asking organizations…

We should talk – what are you doing to ensure student safety online?

It is one of the most important conversations we can have. When student privacy and safety is at stake, we all have an obligation to do our part. Keeping in mind that laws and policies vary depending on where you are and what age you work with, there are some common sense tips we should…

Edublogs Weekly Review: Student-centered learning and collaboration using technology

One of the most powerful and revolutionary aspects of many technologies being used in classrooms today revolve around the fact that they facilitate student-centered learning and collaboration. Perhaps summarized best in this week’s post from the Education Vision Leadership blog, the move to student initiated learning, while natural, is not an easy progression. Traditional methodologies, school systems,…

Turn that hobby into a job – come and work with us in help and support!

We’re hoping the new school year is going well for all Edublogs users and we’re looking forward to providing you with some great blogging tools for the next year! And we’d also like to say a huge thank you to all of you who have become Edublogs Supporters or looked at Edublogs Campus for your…

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