We’re improving Edublogs!

We’ve got some big plans for Edublogs.org for 2010 to make your experience better and improve our service and functionality. So we’ve put together this really, really quick survey to help us find out how we can best help you. And, to sweeten the deal, we’re giving away several Amazon Kindles to survey participants! So…


***I’d love to be able to edit a themes / add something to the sidebar / tweak this template… You can do… some templates allow you to extensively customise them thought the ‘template options’ or ‘current theme options’ section in ‘Presentation’ For example, try out the ‘Fauna’ template.You can also manipulate the ‘Links’ section of…

Provide some details for your blog
No stress, you can always change this later on.
Use only lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.

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