Edublogs Weekly: Tips for editing blogs and King’s Speech for educators

It is almost too embarrassing to write about – but during a recent Edublogs Campus training session, a user asked for an explanation for what all of those icons do in the visual post editor. I admit, I hadn’t actually played with them all before, and had to do some quick learning for a couple…

Edublogs Weekly: Skype in the classroom launched

The big education news over the weekend was that Skype launched it’s “Skype in the classroom” website which is now ready for use! The new free directory promises to make it easy to connect with educators around the globe that are interested in using skype to connect with guest speakers, set up language exchanges, and…

Edublogs Weekly: Get inside tips on blogging with students

In case you missed it, we started the FREE professional development series on blogging with students this week! Especially geared for those that want to have their students participate in the upcoming Student Blogging Challenge that is starting in March, gear up and get ready to learn: The educational and curricular benefits of student blogging Choosing…

Edublogs Weekly Review: The power of twitter, #edchat, and student blogging

I’ll be the first to admit that several years ago when I heard about twitter I was more than skeptical. I would occasionally check it out and just not really get it. Today, while I don’t tweet as often as I’d like, I can’t imagine a day without checking the stream to see what my…

Edublogs Weekly Review: Attack of the web browsers and RockMelt wins!

It all started on a typical Monday morning when my web browser of choice, Chrome, just stopped working for me. A quick google search lead nowhere – only that others experienced similar problems over the past year, but no help or advice. I deleted, reinstalled, upgraded, downgraded, and nothing – Chrome was not happy. So…

Edublogs Weekly: Get blogging advice LIVE from the experts!

This week, we think you will be excited about a couple of LIVE webinars that feature a few Edublogs blogging rockstars. Tech Talk Tuesdays – (Or Monday for those in the Americas!) Teaching Commenting and Encouraging Parent Participation 4pm Tuesday the 22nd in Melbourne, Australia or 9pm Monday the 21st in Los Angeles, California. (See the…

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