(This is a "Page")Safe, secure, reliable and trusted by over a million users…

Since 2005, Edublogs has been hosting blogs and providing custom blogging platforms to individual teachers, school districts and hundreds of thousands of students. We’ve grown to become the largest, most trusted, best supported and widely used way for teachers and students to engage with the world of blogging. What’s On This Page? A quick overview…

New look edublogs homepage & how to get your own themes at edublogs.org

Was getting very very tired of the old orange lines and stuff so knocked this together in double quick time the other day. Nothing special, just aesthetics (um, to a degree), how do ya find it? Also, have discovered a way you can have your own theme while editableness isn’t going… basically you’ll have to…

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No stress, you can always change this later on.
Use only lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.

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