Post By Email, Auto-post to Facebook and Twitter, Better Image Galleries and More!

Woah! Today’s news is kinda big. We’ve made available a new plugin, called Jetpack, which when activated brings a ton of new tools and features to your blog. What Can Jetpack Do? Post by Email You can create a unique and private email address that can be used to publish a new post on your…

Edublogs Campus now integrates with Google Apps, Desire2Learn, Moodle, Canvas, Blackboard and more!

With Edublogs Campus, we make it super easy for every student, staff, and faculty member to have their own WordPress blog or website. And as of today, we’re excited to share, we can now integrate with many popular student management and learning tools, including Google Apps for Education and Learning Management Systems like Desire2Learn, Canvas,…

Better videos with the all new MediaCore plugin on Edublogs!

Available today, you’ll find an exciting new plugin for adding videos and audio to your blog – MediaCore! MediaCore is a cloud-based video education platform that makes it safe and easy to use video in teaching and learning. With the new plugin, you can easily upload videos directly from your blog’s dashboard and embed videos…

Edublogs Update: Manage multiple blogs with a more powerful ‘My Blogs’ page

When Edublogs was first started years ago, most users just had one blog that they kept up with. Now, with the exciting increase of student blogging, many users are managing hundreds of blogs all from their one account! The newly revamped ‘My Blogs‘ page, found in the top left under ‘Dashboard‘, now makes it all…

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