Edublogs Weekly Review: Move over Google Reader, Facebook is my news reader of choice

Right up there with running more and eating healthier, keeping up with the blogs I like to follow has been my easy way out of New Year’s resolutions the past few years. How many of you out there have also spent a good amount of time setting up your Google Reader only to let the…

Edublogs Weekly Review: The power of twitter, #edchat, and student blogging

I’ll be the first to admit that several years ago when I heard about twitter I was more than skeptical. I would occasionally check it out and just not really get it. Today, while I don’t tweet as often as I’d like, I can’t imagine a day without checking the stream to see what my…

Edublogs Weekly Review: Attack of the web browsers and RockMelt wins!

It all started on a typical Monday morning when my web browser of choice, Chrome, just stopped working for me. A quick google search lead nowhere – only that others experienced similar problems over the past year, but no help or advice. I deleted, reinstalled, upgraded, downgraded, and nothing – Chrome was not happy. So…

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