(This is a "Page")Safe, secure, reliable and trusted by over a million users…

Since 2005, Edublogs has been hosting blogs and providing custom blogging platforms to individual teachers, school districts and hundreds of thousands of students. We’ve grown to become the largest, most trusted, best supported and widely used way for teachers and students to engage with the world of blogging. What’s On This Page? A quick overview…

(This is a "Page")Welcome Weebly

Welcome Weebly Users Welcome! On August 1, 2022, the Weebly for Education platform will be discontinued. Edublogs is partnering with Weebly to provide an alternative platform where you can host teacher, classroom, and student websites. Edublogs is free to use and comes with access to many useful tools like our My Class tool, which gives…

(This is a "Page")Pro Site

Edublogs Pro users get to experience the full potential of blogging in education, read on to find out more… Easily create and manage dozens of student blogs Get an enormous 10GB of upload space for your audio, video and other files Embed all videos, widgets and any other code, and enable for your students Integrated…

(This is a "Page")Pro Site

Edublogs Pro users get to experience the full potential of blogging in education, read on to find out more… Easily create and manage dozens of student blogs Get an enormous 10GB of upload space for your audio, video and other files Embed all videos, widgets and any other code, and enable for your students Integrated…

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