Edublogs Weekly: Get inside tips on blogging with students

In case you missed it, we started the FREE professional development series on blogging with students this week! Especially geared for those that want to have their students participate in the upcoming Student Blogging Challenge that is starting in March, gear up and get ready to learn: The educational and curricular benefits of student blogging Choosing…

(This is a "Page")Privacy Policy

Your privacy, especially that of the students and schools that we serve, is critically important to us. You can find our full detailed Privacy Policy below. In addition, we have summarized the most important and relevant points of our privacy policies and practices here at Edublogs. For any questions about the privacy and security of…

(This is a "Page")Safe, secure, reliable and trusted by over a million users…

Since 2005, Edublogs has been hosting blogs and providing custom blogging platforms to individual teachers, school districts and hundreds of thousands of students. We’ve grown to become the largest, most trusted, best supported and widely used way for teachers and students to engage with the world of blogging. What’s On This Page? A quick overview…

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