Email address is optional for students on when their accounts are created using:

If the email field is left empty, the student account is created using our Edublogs ‘no email’ which looks like this

This option is recommended if your school-provided student email accounts are restricted to authorized addresses or domains, or if your students don’t have email accounts.

Edublogs sign up page

Student can create their own user account without an email address using the Edublogs sign up page by selecting Student for “Which describes you best?’ to reveal the optional email field. If the student leaves the optional email field empty their user account is created using our no email option.

Sign up page

My Class

Teachers can create their student user accounts without an email address using My Class > Create Student Blogs or My Class > Create Student Users by leaving the email field empty.

Learn more about My Class here.

Create student blog without an email address using My Classs

Record your student account details in a spreadsheet so you have a record of their login details to share with your students. Use a unique medium strength password for each student.


Reset Student Passwords

Teachers can reset the password of the students’ user accounts if their accounts were created using our no email option, their student blogs are attached to the class blog using My Class and their user role is student.

Go to Users > All Users in the class blog dashboard and click the Edit link underneath the username that you want to reset the password for.

Edit user

Scroll down the page and click on Set New Password. The password reset window loads with an automatically generated password. You can either use this automatically generated password or replace it with your own password and then click Update User at the bottom of the page.

Reset password

If the password is too weak you will be asked to confirm the use of a weak password. Using a combination of letters, numbers and symbols makes it harder for others to guess the password. The strength indicator provides an indication of how good your password choice is.

The edit link is only visible under student user accounts created using our no email option. You can’t reset the password if the student’s user account is attached to an email address.  The student needs to use the lost password link with their email address.

Contact Edublogs Support if you need your students’ user accounts changed to our no email option.