The University of Blogs

Welcome to the latest addition to the Edublogs family… The University of Blogs!

Can you study for a BA in blogging? Get a job lecturing on comments? Or hang out in the union bar overlooking the tag cloud?

No, of course you can’t :) Because it’s actually just a demo Edublogs Campus site… one that allows you browse through, edit and add to an example Campus blogging site to see how it could work at your institution.

Not that your institution has to be a university… it could equally be a primary school, education district, government department or community organization!

A couple of quick notes about the site…

  1. It contains some cutting-edge very new developmens for Campus that haven’t yet been added to many existing sites (but will be soon)
  2. The site is reset every hour on the hour, so nothing you add will be retained (it’s a sandpit site)
  3. If you’d rather skip browsing the front page etc. you can just log in and take a look at the good stuff here. (username: admin / password: pass)

So, we hope you enjoy playing around in the sandpit, and please feel free to get in touch with us to discuss getting your very own Edublogs Campus installation!

The University of Blogs

Here’s a quick video tour too:

Provide some details for your blog
No stress, you can always change this later on.
Use only lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.

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