Edublogs Weekly Review: iPads are changing the way we teach, learn, and get stuff done

If the twitter stream and blog posts over the past week or so are an accurate representation, it seems that iPads and other tablet devices have really started to solidify their roles in and out of the classroom. In fact, I should disclose, this post comes at the conclusion of my first week with an…


***I’d love to be able to edit a themes / add something to the sidebar / tweak this template… You can do… some templates allow you to extensively customise them thought the ‘template options’ or ‘current theme options’ section in ‘Presentation’ For example, try out the ‘Fauna’ template.You can also manipulate the ‘Links’ section of…

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***I’d love to be able to edit a themes / add something to the sidebar / tweak this template… You can do… some templates allow you to extensively customise them thought the ‘template options’ or ‘current theme options’ section in ‘Presentation’ For example, try out the ‘Fauna’ template.You can also manipulate the ‘Links’ section of…

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