Edublogs at ISTE 2011 – Free t-shirts, a meet-up, and more!

This is a quick shout out to all of our users and Edublogs friends that are attending the ISTE conference in Philadelphia next week… We’ll be there and would love to meet as many of you as possible! The Edublogs ISTE Meet-up on Sunday We managed to get a group reserved for a tour of Independence…

Guide to finding and securing grants and outside funding for blogs and ed tech

Finding the funds for Edublogs Pro, Edublogs Campus, or any other education technology product out there isn’t always easy. This is especially the case as schools and educators are facing difficult decisions in times were budgets are tight. We have a growing number of users that have found success with grants, donations, and asking organizations…

An interview with an award winning blogger and educator

One of the most exciting things about being part of the Edublogs team is that we get to see all of the excellent uses of class and student blogs around the globe. We recently learned that one of our users, Donal O’ Mahony from Portmarnock Community School in Ireland, had been nominated for a European…

Introducing Premium Support And Premium Themes

Christmas has come nice and early for Edublogs supporters, with two fabulous new features in your Supporter Tab. Premium Support Do you have a question about Edublogs, need personal help or would rather not use the forums? Supporters can email us support requests using the form located in their Premium Support Tab, and we’ll get…

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